Brett Warniers — "The PsyCabin" [Tapestries, Prints, Canvas]
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"The PsyCabin" [Tapestries, Prints, Canvas]


Image of "The PsyCabin" [Tapestries, Prints, Canvas]
  • Image of "The PsyCabin" [Tapestries, Prints, Canvas]
  • Image of "The PsyCabin" [Tapestries, Prints, Canvas]
  • Image of "The PsyCabin" [Tapestries, Prints, Canvas]
  • Image of "The PsyCabin" [Tapestries, Prints, Canvas]

A magical, moonlit garden in the lush valleys of the mountains.

TAPESTRIES! are 60" x 33" printed on eco-friendly fabric, showing all the magical details of this lively backyard forest creek spirit scene bringing all the detailed full moon magic into a space of your choosing :)

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Prints are made on vibrant metallic photo paper, giving rich depth to the dark sections and a semi-holographic look to the highlights, they seem to levitate right off the print. I guarantee they will wow you when you see the prints for yourself! :)

36" x 20" inches (large)

24" x 13.2" inches (medium)

12" x 6.6" inches (mini)

This artwork, created using primarily Photoshop and a Wacom tablet, is inspired by a home I lived in for about a year, in Transylvania county, North Carolina - aka - "The Land of Waterfalls". The backyard was rich with bamboo, and one day while exploring, I stumbled upon an old, crumbling staircase leading to a fishing platform. I spent much time in this space, and it allowed my imagination to flourish. During exceptionally heavy rains, the stream depicted would flood, turning into a gushing cascade.

Printed on Metallic Photo paper, ships in a tube.